[IASPM XXI 2022] E-NEWSLETTER NO. 12: Please check the important updates and information!

1.   Mode of attendance survey 

– Last week the local organizing committee sent you the email asking you to inform how you participate in the conference – online/virtual or offline/in person. If you have not completed the survey yet, please do so via Google form here:  https://forms.gle/qu33nZbH3A1hJVGV7

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Update regarding the position of Chair of IASPM International

Dear members,

On 20th May we emailed to advise that, following the Chair of IASPM stepping down from his position, the Executive Committee of IASPM would be operating on a collective basis to deal with a number of urgent matters. These include: the upcoming international conference in Daegu, Korea; an ethics investigation into the sexual harassment allegations that have been made; the construction of a code of ethics for our members; and a social media policy.

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Call Extended – SEM Student News, 18.1 (“Music and Pleasure”)

Dear Colleagues,

This is the second call for submissions for the Spring/Summer 2022 issue of SEM Student News. The theme for this new issue, Vol. 18, No.1, is “Music and Pleasure.” The frequent stratification between professional musicianship and making music “for pleasure” often frames the latter category as something less serious or valuable. But for many of us, participating in and experiencing music in informal or communal spaces fills us with powerful sensations of joy. Music is often a part of other activities associated with pleasure such as sex, the alteration of one’s consciousness through drugs or meditation, and physical expressions like dancing. Music is also frequently integral to the pleasure gained from forming connection with a group (e.g., singing songs at sporting events) or passing through different stages of our lives (e.g., music in play settings among children). In this issue, we want to take seriously the interrogation of pleasure as it relates to these and other activities in and around music.

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Job opportunity at Popular Music in Groningen

Dear IASPM community, 

For those of you who might be interested, I would like to draw your attention to a recent job vacancy in Popular Music at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). 

We are looking for a full-time (permanent) colleague (assistant prof.) for our Popular Music, Sound and Media Cultures program (amongst others) in Groningen. 

Application deadline: August 15th. 

For more information and details, see: 


New MA PopMediaCulture at Paderborn University

Dear Colleagues,

sorry for cross-posting, please have a look at our new international master’s program “PopMediaCulture – German-Latin American Cultural Mediations” starting at winter term 2022/23 at Paderborn University/Germany:



cfp: Reframing Music Video Research conference, Turku, Finland, 20.-21.4.2023

What: Music video research conference

Where: Turku, Finland

Organizers: #NorPopVid Finnish Academy research project, Åbo Akademi, University of Turku, Finnish Ethnomusicological Society SES, IIPC

Conference committee: Anna-Elena Pääkkölä (chair), John Richardson, Mathias Korsgaard, Johannes Brusila, Hanna-Mari Riihimäki

Keynote speakers: Nikki Dibben, Kai Arne Hansen, Emily Casten 

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cfp: Gender in Pub Rock

Andy Bennett and Jon Stratton are editing a collection discussing pub rock in the UK and Australia. We are looking for someone to write a chapter on gender, focusing on women, and pub rock in the UK. The completed chapter will be around 6000 words and we will need it around the middle of November. The book is to be published by Routledge. All enquiries should go to either Andy or Jon, or both of us. Andy’s email address is a.bennett@griffith.edu.au, Jon’s email address is jon.stratton@unisa.edu.au.