Nominations for Election to IASPM Executive Committee positions

Dear IASPM Members,

The International Executive Committee would like to invite IASPM members to apply to stand as a member of the Executive Committee. If you would like to nominate someone to stand for a position, please email Beatriz Goubert, who is copied in to this email. (Please do not press reply all, and reply to the whole list 😊).

Please discuss any nomination with the person involved before nominating them, if you are not self-nominating. We have had cases in the past where people have been nominated and are not willing to stand, which is not very helpful!

IASPM Executive Committee positions are all available for vote at the Biennial AGM, so you can be nominated for any position, whether or not the holder of the current position is standing again. IASPM Executive Committee positions include Chair, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Web/Publications, and Member-at-large.

We are in particular seeking someone to stand as IASPM Treasurer, to handle our finances, as Simone Kruger is stepping down.

If you wish to nominate someone, please email Beatriz, the deadline for submission of nominations is 31 May 2021.

Voting will be take place electronically in advance of and at the start of the AGM, 12 Noon BST, 1 July 2021,  details will be sent out in due course.

Many thanks

Rupert Till