Volume ! The French Journal of Popular Music Studies,
no. 16-1, edited by Clément Canonne and Baptiste Bacot
– 198 p. — 19 €
– Table of contents: https://www.cairn.info/revue-volume-2019-2.htm
– Order the issue: https://www.lespressesdureel.com/ouvrage.php?id=7682
– Subscribe: http://www.seteun.net/spip.php?rubrique4
This issue examines some of the practices in which music and hacking meet. At
first closely related to the development of American computer science research
laboratories, hacking has since spread across various fields of human activity
not necessarily related to information and communications technology. Hence,
music provides both a theoretical and empirical space within which one can
question hacking’s attributes, and delineate their aesthetic and organolologic
effects, but also their integration into musicians’ discourses, or the way
these musicans create musical communities and belong to them.
The interview with hacking pioneer Nicolas Collins is
available in English on the site Books & Ideas : https://booksandideas.net/Hacking-Through-Contemporary-Electronic-Music.html
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