Call for articles
Special Issue of Music and Politics
“Sound, Environment and Action”
Deadline: 1 November 2013
The Spring 2014 issue of Music & Politics (7/2) will be dedicated to exploring the intersections of music, culture and the environment as it pertains to politically charged topics. This issue aims to build knowledge around the “politics” of musical works, communities, and practices that share a correlation (consciously or unconsciously) to broader environmental themes. Bringing the topic of “politics” into conversation with “music” and “environment” not only opens up myriad discursive routes, but also raises a multitude of questions regarding the communication of ideas concerning the natural world through sound. For example, what role(s) does music play in environmental activism? In what ways do artists respond to environmental crises? How is the creation of music (from instrument building to performance) tethered to environmental policy?
This call is open, but not limited, to the following topics:
– Environmental justice
– Responses to natural disaster
– Activism
– Environmental crisis
– Physical borders
– Natural environments versus constructed environments
– Resource management
– Pollution
– Sustainability
– Biodiversity
– Acoustic ecology
We look forward to submissions that critically engage the “politics” of music and the environment.
Submission Process:
Submission of a draft manuscript deadline: 1 November 2013. The article should be 4,000 to 9,000 words in length. Include a title, full contact details for the author(s), and a 250-word (maximum) abstract. Submissions should be sent as a Word file to Tyler Kinnear, Guest Editor: Music & Politics welcomes the inclusion of images, audio files and video footage. If submitting supplementary material that exceeds 20MB, contact the Guest Editor to coordinate submission of these files.
1 December 2013: authors will be notified of whether or not a final paper should be submitted.
Information on formatting can be found at:
All articles will be double blind peer-reviewed prior to final submission for publication.
Address inquiries to Tyler Kinnear: