cfp: Groove the City

Call for Papers:
Groove the City 2020 –
Constructing and Deconstructing Urban Spaces through Music conference
Feb. 13th to 15th 2020 at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

We are looking for papers that transgress the boundaries between our notions of music and space. We are explicitly following Henri Lefèbvre’s (1991) concept of a dialectics of triplicity and Edward Soja’s (2008) trialectic of spatiality. A first level encompasses material, physical, and social spaces of music and the mutuality of sound–music and space–architecture from historical, social, economic and cultural perspectives. A second level focusses on the mutuality of music and symbolic aspects of space such as images, brands, and imaginaries. While the third level should open up an
arena of powerful mediations between music–sound and spatial politics, whether this results in the appropriation of the city by music or the appropriation of music by the city.

We invite proposals for individual talks, group sessions or workshops related to any of the three research streams.

Deadline for submissions is 5th September 2019.

Submissions can be made online via

Full Call under

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