Annual Conference of IASPM-ANZ
International Association for the Study of Popular Music
Australia-New Zealand branch
Stuck in the middle
The Mainstream and its Discontents
28-30 November 2008
Presented by the Centre for Public Culture and Ideas (CPCI)
Griffith University
Brisbane, Australia
Whilst “cutting edge” and “alternative” music has played a central role in popular music studies, these terms depend upon being juxtaposed with a real or imagined “middle” or “mainstream.” The mainstream has often played the negative role in this relationship, against which the positive, resistant qualities of music subcultures have been measured. However, as music scenes and genres continue to fragment and blur, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between a normative mainstream and a smaller number of resistant subcultures. Ultimately, today’s mainstream music reflects a complex set of negotiations between individuals, industry, production and consumption.
We invite contributions that address the topic of the mainstream from any perspective. The organising committee also gladly welcomes any general papers in the study of popular music.
Topics may include:
- Redefining the mainstream
- Mainstream music and everyday life
- Global and local mainstreams
- Mainstream music in educational contexts
- Music, the mainstream and sporting cultures
- Mainstreams, margins and minorities
- Conflicts and controversies in the mainstream
- Mainstream music across generations
- Mainstream entertainment for children
- Gender and sexuality in mainstream music
- Mainstream music in the media
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be submitted as an email attachment (Word document, 12pt Times New Roman font) to Gavin Carfoot.
The deadline for receipt of abstract is 30 June 2007.
Please use your surname as the document title (for example, “Carfoot.doc”). The abstracts will be reviewed by an IASPM-ANZ committee and successful applicants advised by email. Please include the following details (in this order):
1. Name of author(s) (as you would like it to appear in the programme)
2. Institution or affiliation (where applicable)
3. Contact phone numbers
4. Email address
5. Title of paper
6. Abstract (200-300 words)
7. Consideration for 2007 IASPM-ANZ postgraduate prize? (Yes/No)
Registration details will be available on the conference website .
Pease send registration forms to:
Jill Jones, Events Coordinator
Centre for Public Culture and Ideas
Nathan Campus
Griffith University
170 Kessels Road, Nathan
Brisbane, Queensland 4111
AUSTRALIA Ph: (07) 373 57338
Email: Jill Jones