Call For Articles for the Journal on the Art of Record Production
Issue 3: Editor – Simon Zagorski-Thomas
Deadline: 30th May 2008
Business Models and The Production Process
This would involve articles on issues such how changing production techniques on the question of authorship, copyright and even the ontology of music. It could also include articles on how artists and producers are developing new business models in the face of the rapidly changing industry.
Recording and Mix Techniques
This would involve articles on the various ways that producers and engineers shape the sound of a recording through the use of microphone selection and placement, the use of room ambience, equalisation, dynamic processing, effects, editing techniques, stereo or surround mixing techniques etc. They might describe techniques used / developed / made famous by particular individuals or more general treatises on common practice, the psychoacoustics of particular techniques etc.
Please submit completed pieces for peer review:
Full article: 5 – 7,000 words
Position paper: 3 – 5,000 words
Provocations: up to 1,000 words (pieces by industry professionals or academics designed to stimulate debate)
Please send submissions to Simon Zagorski-Thomas