Social Alternatives: Music, Politics and Environment

Call for articles
Special issue of Social Alternatives: Music, Politics and Environment
Edited by Tony Mitchell, University of Technology, Sydney

Music is increasingly playing a role in environmental activism, from rock, hip hop, folk, dance music and other forms of popular music through to jazz, classical music, experimental music and sonic arts and installations. How does one measure the ‘carbon footprint’ left by an opera production at the Sydney Opera House, a world tour by U2, the Big Day Out, the Livid Festival, or a gig at the local pub or an unlicensed venue? And how do environmental issues such as these affect the way music is produced and received? This issue of Social Alternatives invites papers that consider any genre of music in terms of political and environmental activism and ways in which music can relate to issues such as climate change, global warming and carbon emissions.

We invite academic papers (3000-5000 words) on any of the following topics:

• Music and environmental activism;
• Ecomusicology;
• Animals, birds and music;
• Musical environments, milieus and scenes;
• Music, landscape, and ecology;
• Music, memory and place;
• Music and political environments;
• Music and political activism;
• Music festivals;
• Techno, rave culture and dance music.

Abstracts due: 30 September 2013

Papers due: 18 November 2013

Publication: April 2014 (Vol 33, Iss 1)

Contribution Guidelines:

Direct contribution proposals and enquiries to:

Social Alternatives is an independent, quarterly refereed journal. It is committed to the principles of social justice, commenting on important social issues of current concern or public debate. We publish practical and theoretical articles on relevant topics, as well as reviews, short stories, poems, graphics, comment, and critique.