REGISTRATION Media Industries 2020: Global Currents and Contradictions, 16-18 April 2020 King’s College London

Media Industries 2020: Global Currents and Contradictions

16-18 April 2020

King’s College London

Registration is now open to NON-SPEAKERS.

Visit for details of the conference, delegate fees, venue, travel, accommodation and accessibility.

Important: Tickets are limited and will be available until all are sold or until 18.00hrs GMT on Friday 13 March, whichever is soonest.

Delegate Rates

For full registration details, visit

Rates are divided between Full (academics, waged) and Reduced (students, unwaged), and  graduated according to the three tiers of the World Bank’s classification of countries by per capita income levels. As a delegate, you pay the rate according to the country you live in and not the country from which you originate. Delegates who are residents of countries in tier B pay 75% of the tier A price, and residents of tier C countries pay 50% of the tier A price.