Call for chapters
Popular Music Education: Paradigms, Practices, Pedagogies, Problems
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2014
Popular music has a growing presence in education (formal and otherwise), from primary school to postgraduate study. Programmes, courses and modules in popular music studies, popular music performance, songwriting and many areas of music technology that could be said to relate chiefly to popular music (such as DJ-ing, for example) are becoming commonplace across higher education. Additionally, specialist pop/rock/jazz graded exam syllabi (RockSchool and Trinity Rock and Pop, for example) have emerged in recent years, meaning that it is now possible for school leavers in some countries to have obtained university entry requirements having only studied popular music. In the context of teacher education, classroom teachers and music-specialists alike are becoming increasingly empowered to introduce popular music into their classrooms. However, discourse regarding ‘popular music’ in education still tends to take place alongside normative discourse around ‘music’.
An increasing number of publications feature articles and chapters on a wide range of aspects of popular music education; IASPM@Journal has a dedicated special issue due out in late 2014. Conferences dedicated to the field are thriving – this year Los Angeles sees the third annual conference of the Association for Popular Music Education, and the University of Edinburgh, in association with the Higher Education Academy and IASPM UK and Ireland, recently hosted a conference on popular music pedagogy.
This book is intended to respond to and reflect upon where, what, how, and why the field is as it is in 2014, and consider the potential ways in which it may develop and progress. This timely volume will collate and present scholarship representing the critical mass of research and the vast practical pedagogic experience that have accrued across disciplines and perspectives in the broad area of popular music education. Perspectives are expected to include the historical, sociological, axiological, reflexive, critical, philosophical.
Ashgate have expressed interest, in principle, in publishing this as an Ashgate Research Companion.
The editors seek abstracts of 350-500 words accompanied by a list of five keywords/key-phrases by midnight GMT on 30 April 2014. Notification of acceptance will be by 1 June 2014, with full chapters of 5000 words expected by 1 December 2014.
Abstracts and all correspondence should be emailed to the editorial team at: popularmusiceducationbook[at]
Dr. Matt Brennan, University of Edinburgh
Dr. Zack Moir, University of Edinburgh
Dr. Phil Kirkman, University of Cambridge
Dr. Shara Rambarran, Queen’s University (Canada)
Dr. Gareth Dylan Smith, Institute of Contemporary Music Performance