Journal on the Art of Record Production

Call for submissions
Issue #8: Technology, Time and Place

The newly reworked Journal on the Art of Record Production invites articles for Issue #8: Technology, Time and Place. Technologies are central – and essential – to sound and music recording and production processes. Over time, technological change has impacted on roles, working practice[s] and the recording and production workplace. Indeed, notions of time impact on production processes in a multitude of ways. From the macro, e.g. time and economics, time spent in pre-production, time allocated to sessions/ roles, performance time and time signatures, to the micro, e.g. the intricacies of time-based effects processing and the capability of DAWs to manipulate and ‘edit’ time by means including quantization, programming and time-stretching. Over time, the workplace has evolved from a basic, acoustically-treated facility, through church conversions, the ‘Westlake’ studio style and home set-ups, to today’s portable desktop/ laptop-based production centre; the ‘studio’ has undergone immense transformation in little over a century.  Studies of technology and/ or workplace may be chronological, diachronic or synchronic in approach. Research is welcome from sociological, cultural theoretical, scientific, musicological, philosophical and anthropological perspectives.  Themes may include, but are not limited to:

* Technological determinism
* The democratization of technology
* Technology, consumption patterns and consumer demographics
* Technology, audience and reception
* Music technology and mass dissemination
* The technology community
* Technoculture
* Digital appropriations of analogue technologies
* Music technology manufacturing, marketing and advertising
* Applications of technology in recording and production processes
* Technological development over time
* Relationships between production workplace and musical genre
* Time as influence on the recording and production process
* The evolution of the recording studio
* Cultural perceptions/ representations of the studio
* Recording studios and issues of heritage
* Variations on recording and production workplaces
* The recording and production workplace in education

Please send articles (minimum 8000 words). All articles are peer reviewed by an international team of scholars (peer-reviewer list available at Proposals for provocations and non-peer reviewed practitioner interviews are also welcomed. Authors must include the name under which they would like to be published, current university affiliation and preferred email contact. Prospective authors are asked to familiarise themselves with JARP instructions for contributors.

Articles to:

Interview and provocation proposals to:

Deadline for submissions: 31.3.2012

Publication: 31.5.2012

The Journal on the Art of Record Production is an international, interdisciplinary, academic journal that publishes high quality, peer-reviewed research biannually.