IASA Conference 2018 (Accra, Ghana)

A growing proportion of our cultural heritage is in the form of sound and moving image recordings. If you are concerned with the use, collection, or preservation of sound and audiovisual collections, please consider submitting a proposal and joining us in Accra, Ghana.

Call for Presentations:

49th Annual Conference of IASA, from 1-4 October 2018, at the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

Conference theme:

Access and Accessibility – Archival Policies and Barriers in the Age of Global Information Exchange

Open and equal access to information is in high demand, yet may be impeded by social, cultural, and economic barriers. The question of access at the same time encourages discussions on the technical, legal, and practical modes of accessibility.

The programme committee for the IASA 2018 conference invites proposals focused on the prospects and limitations of global and local access and accessibility to audiovisual archives, as well as on issues of discovery, care, preservation and dissemination of our sound and audiovisual heritage.

Possible sub-themes include:

● Connecting users, materials, and communities

● Using semantic technologies to aid description and access

● Language diversity and oral history collections – best practices of accessibility

● Digital preservation methods for efficient access

The programme will include papers, posters, tutorials, and practical workshops.

The call for presentations is now open. Please submit your proposal by using the online submission form at:http://2018.iasa-web.org/call-presentations

***The deadline for submissions is 23 February 2018 ***

Note: Accommodation, traveling and subsistence costs are the responsibility of the presenters. All attendees, including presenters, are also required to register and pay the registration fee in advance of the first conference day. IASA members may apply for a IASA Travel Award to assist with their travel costs.

Visit the IASA 2018 conference website for details and regular updates:
