cfp: “Hades” special issue for the Journal of Sound and Music in Games

Dear all,

I am writing to share a call for abstracts for an upcoming special issue of the Journal of Sound and Music in Games, focusing on the sound and music of Supergiant Games’ 2020 video game, Hades:

Interested participants are invited to submit a 500-word abstract summarizing their potential article on the sound and music of Hades by January 20, 2023. Contributors will be contacted by February 20, 2023, and successful applicants will be invited to submit a full article for consideration. Full paper submissions will be due June 1, 2023. 

Abstracts should be sent as a Microsoft Word or PDF document. Please submit abstracts or any questions about the application process by email to

All the best,

Demetrius Shahmehri (on behalf of the editors)