The Refereed Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Jazz Conference August 19–20 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Edited by Janne Mäkelä
Since its arrival on the public scene in the early 20th century, jazz has been characterised by a remarkable ability to cross musical, social and cultural borderlines. In terms of musical style and character, jazz has often crossed genre categories and undergone radical changes. In terms of geographical and cultural boundaries, one of the most notable developments in jazz has been the internationalisation of its sound.
The Jazz Chameleon traces generical, geographical,historical and other crossings in jazz. The writings are based on the papers that were presented in the 9th Nordic Jazz Conference, 2010. The book is published by the Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive JAPA and the International Institute for Popular Culture IIPC.
The Finnish Jazz & Pop Archive JAPA & International Institute for Popular Culture IIPC: Turku 2011 IIPC Publications Series Vol. 4
105 pages / illustrations
ISBN 978-952-67401-4-0 (print, limited edition) ISBN 978-952-67401-5-7 (PDF/online)
ISSN: 1797-318X
Publishing: October 2011
Price: 20 €
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