International Postgraduate Summer School

“Methods of Popular Music Analysis”
Call for applications
Osnabrueck (Germany), 12th-16th September 2011

The ASPM (Arbeitskreis Studium Populaerer Musik) and the University of Osnabrueck are inviting applications for participation in the first international summer school “Methods of Popular Music Analysis”. The summer school will take place at the Institute of Musicology and Music Pedagogy in Osnabrueck, Germany, from Monday 12th to Friday 16th September 2011. The summer school is addressed to post graduates and Ph.D. students who are currently working on a research project that involves analytical approaches towards popular music. Seminars will concentrate on the discussion of problems and methods of the analysis and interpretation of popular music as music (i.e. e.g. melody, harmony, rhythm, sound, etc. in their social and cultural contexts). Lectures and workshops will introduce participants to a variety of methods and discuss their use. (More details on the programme of the summer school will appear on our website:

Lectures will be held by Prof. Dr. Anne Danielsen (University of Oslo), Prof. Dr. Walter Everett (University of Michigan), Prof. Dr. Allan Moore (University of Surrey), Dr. Simon Zagorski-Thomas (Thames Valley University, London), Dr. Ralf von Appen, Dr. André Doehring (University of Giessen), Dr. Dietmar Elflein (University of Braunschweig), Prof. Dr. Dietrich Helms (University of Osnabrueck).

The summer school is financed by Volkswagen Stiftung. The Stiftung will come up for your accommodation costs (accommodation in standard class hotels). Travelling costs for 2nd class railway tickets or economy class flights can be funded with up to 400 Euro (550 US Dollar) for internationals and 150 Euro for nationals (if not paid for by your home institution).

A participation fee of 140 Euro (200 USD) will be charged in advance.

The number of participants is limited to 30.

Language of lectures and workshops will be English.

Deadline for applications: Friday, 24th June 2011. (Accepted applicants will receive notice during the week following, 27th June – 1st July).

Applications should include

  • a CV focussing on your scholarly career
  • proof of your post graduate or doctoral status (e.g. a copy of your highest academic certificate)
  • a short description of your current project in popular music research and a few lines about your motivation for participating in our summer school (max. 900 words)

Applications should be mailed preferably as pdf or rtf documents to Prof. Dr. Dietrich Helms

Postal address:

Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpaedagogik
Universitaet Osnabrueck
Schloss / Neuer Graben
49069 Osnabrueck

For further information on the summer school visit the website of the ASPM:

For information on the University of Osnabrueck see:

For information on the Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikpaedagogik see: