This is posted on behalf of Dave Sanjek’s family.
Dear Family & Friends,
A campus-wide memorial service for Professor David Sanjek will be held on Thursday, February 23 from 11 am to 2 pm at the University of Salford in Salford, England.
David passed away on November 29, 2011 in New York while en route to the annual meeting of the Historic Recording Preservation Board at the US Library of Congress, a board on which he had served for the past ten years.
The University of Salford has also announced the establishment of The David Sanjek Archive to be located at the University to house David’s collection of music and media materials consisting of over 25,000 items including books, magazines, LPs, DVD, CDs, tapes and other items.
Professor Martin Hall, Vice Chancellor at The University of Salford, has said “Professor Sanjek’s family has generously donated this vast and varied collection to provide a lasting legacy to his work here at Salford. This will establish an incredible research resource for our students and staff as well as the public at large.”
The Sanjek Family has also made an initial donation to the University to help in the establishment of the Archive.
For others who would like to make a donation in David’s memory to the Archive and to preserve the spirit and direction of his life’s work, you can do so through the British Schools And Universities Foundation, Inc. (BSUF), a US-based 501(c)(3) foundation with donations deductible.
Please make the donation to the BSUF and be sure to indicate that the donation is being made for: The University of Salford/David Sanjek Archive.
Donations can be made by credit card via the Foundation’s website, or by cheque using the BSUF Donor Transmittal Form which can be downloaded from the Foundation’s donor page at:
More information about the Foundation is also available on their website:
If you are making a donation from the UK please do so by downloading a donation form from the University website:, complete the form stating the donation is for the David Sanjek Memorial Fund, attach a cheque and send it to the address detailed on the form.
While we mourn a life lost too soon, through the David Sanjek Archive we also celebrate a life lived fully, meaningfully and generously to all he encountered.
Thank you for your friendship and support for David over the years, The Sanjek Family.