Ex Omnibus Linguis Reviews of
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Reviews by

Rajko Mursic, Ljubljana

Casopis za kritiko znanosti Dialogi Muska Glasnik SED Pedagoska obzorja Rast Teorija in praksa
Casopis za kritiko znanosti (Journal for the Critique of Science)
ISSN 0351-4285

Review in RPM#27/28 (Winter/Spring 1998/1999)

1997, Vol. 35, No. 185
Connotations of Music
(Konotacije glasbe)

A block of texts under this title appeared in one of the leading Slovene journals of social sciences. Range of topics was very wide. Editor of the block, Peter Stankovic, wrote about "European Classical Music and the Philosophy of the Subjectivity" (Evropska klasicna glasba in filozofija subjekta, pp. 31-47). Primoz Jurman presented his ethnographic fieldwork among local bikers from the small town of Ziri ("Slovene Subcultural Motorcyclists' Scene: The Case of 'MC Rolling Bones' from Ziri" - Slovenska subkulturna motoristicna scena na priemru 'MC Rolling Bones' iz Zirov, pp. 93-115). Rajko Mursic wrote an essay on the present situation in different kinds of contemporary music ("The Converging Period of the End of History and Its Sound Excrements: Meditations on Contemporary Music" - Vase ukrivljena doba konca zgodovine in njeni zvocni iztrebki: Meditacije o glasbi danes, pp. 11- 30). Croatian author Branko Kostelnik compared impact of Nirvana and the leading Croatian rock group in the 1990's, Majke ("From Exclusion to Inclusion: Processes Enabling a Minority to Achieve Social Recognition (Two Examples From the Most Important Achievements of American and Croatian Rock Culture of the 1990s: Nirvana and Majke)" - Od ekskluzije do inkluzije: Procesi, ki omogocajo manjsinjski skupini doseci druzbeno priznanje (primera najpomembnejsih poganjkov ameriske in hrvaske rock kulture devetdesetih: Nirvana in Majke, pp. 79-92). Beside those texts, two translated texts were also included in the block of "Musical Connotations": Amy Raphaels's "Never Mind the Bollocks: Women Rewrite Rock" (Introduction) and Robert Walser's "High, Low and Voodoo Aesthetics" (from 'Microphone Fiends').

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

Miha Zadnikar published politically engaged essay

1998, Vol. 26, No. 190-191, pp. 43-56
Miha Zadnikar
Za (glasbeni) terorizem: Esejisticni zapiski za nenehoma odlagano diskusijo
(For (Music) Terrorism: Essayist Notes For Continuously Postponed Discussion)

In Vol. 27, No. 195-196, a  block on music censorship was published: 

1998, Vol. 27, No. 195-196, pp. 179-199
Rajko Mursic
Popularna glasba v krempljih represije in cenzure
(Popular Music in the Clutches of Repression and Censorship)

1998, Vol. 27, No. 195-196, pp. 201-224
Gregor Bulc
Afera Strelnikoff kot moralna panika
(The Strelnikoff Affair as a Moral Panic) 

1998, Vol. 27, No. 195-196, pp. 225-251
Martin Cloonan
Popular Music and Censorship in Britain
(translated into Slovenian language)

Dialogi (Dialogues)
ISSN 0012-2068

Review in RPM#27/28 (Winter/Spring 1998/1999)

1997, vol. 33, no. 11-12.

Thematic block on the youth at the turning of the millennium. Beside other texts on problematic of youth and recent student, political and counter-culture movements (by Darko Strajn, Mirjana Ule, Sergej Flere and Valerija Korosec, Vesna V. Godina and Valentina Hlebec, Andrej Fistravec), an article about (rock) "Subcultures in Maribor Today: Ghosts From Past and Today's Moans" (Podkulture v Mariboru danes: duhovi preteklosti in stoki sedanjosti, pp. 68-77) by Gorazd Beranic appeared.

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

A block of three articles on annual Lent Festival in Maribor: 

1998, vol. 34, no. 7-8, pp.86-99
Boris VezjakNekaj
fragmentov k psihosociologiji festivala Lent
(Some Fragments on Psycho-Sociology of the Lent Festival)

1998, vol. 34, no. 7-8, pp.100-103
Petra Vidali

1998, vol. 34, no. 7-8, pp.104-107
Grega Kosi
Lent ali zivljenje
(Lent or Life)

Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva 
(Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnological Society)
ISSN 0351-2008

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 4-9
Alenka Barber Kersovan
Kaj je "Slovenskega" v slovenski rock glasbi
(What is Slovenian in the Slovene Rock Music?)

Muska (Music)
ISSN 1408-2403

Review in RPM#27/28 (Winter/Spring 1998/1999)

1997, Former Journal of the Musical Youth (Glasbena mladina) is now the most important general monthly musical journal in Slovenia. Its editorial policy is similar to the one in the British journal Wire. It covers all kinds of music, with a strong accent on "world music", rock, rap and jazz. In 'Muska', there are regular book reviews (predominately of recent books about popular music, published in English). After 1997, some papers on popular music are also published in the special section of the journal, called "Essays". Slovene branch of IASPM initiated this section.

1997, iss. 8-9/June-August, pp. 33-36
Gail Holst-Wafhaft
Rebétika: Globoke pesmi Grcije
(Rebetikos: Profound Songs from Greece)

1997, iss. 11, pp. 24-25
Gorazd Beranic
Rap in Slovenci
(Rap and Slovenes)

1997, iss. 11+12
Viva Videnovic
Rock v sliki
(Rock in pictures)

A serial about rock graphics and posters.

1997, iss.13/December, pp.27-32
Jocelyne Guilbaut
Onstran oznake 'world music':
Ethnografija transnacionalnih glasbenih praks
(Beyond the Term World Music: Ethnography of Transnational Musical Practices)

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

In 1998 three articles on music censorship were published:

1998, iss.4/April, pp.32-33
Viva Videnovic
Cenzura smrdi
(Censorship Stinks)

1998, iss.5/May, pp.28-29
Viva Videnovic and Bostjan Napotnik (aka Napo-Lee-Tano)
Cenzura smrdi
(Censorship Stinks)

1998, iss.6-7/June, pp.42-47
Viva Videnovic and Bostjan Napotnik (aka Napo-Lee-Tano)
Cenzura smrdi
(Censorship Stinks)

Ico Vidmar published a short essay on dub:

1998, iss.8-9/August-September, pp.32-35
Ico Vidmar
Obnori me z dubom
(Make Me Crazy With Dub)

Sonja Porle wrote about kora and mandingo in 

1998, iss.4/April, pp.16-19
Sonja Porle
Nebo nad Bamakom
(Sky Over Bamak)

In 1999, Ico Vidmar wrote a series of articles on blues

1999, iss.4/April, pp.26-27
1999, iss.5/May, pp.24-25
1999, iss.6-7/June-July, pp.38-41
Ico Vidmar
Modro o bluesu, Modro v bluesu, Modro iz bluesa
(Blue on Blues, Blue in Blues, Blue from Blues)

Provoked by the book Music Grooves by Keil and Feld he wrote an article 

1999, iss.3/March, pp.18-20
Ico Vidmar
K vzbujenemu obcutju v godbah
(Toward Engendered Feeling in Musics)

Svanibor Pettan wrote an article on Rom musicians from Kosovo

1999, iss.12/December, pp.16-18
Svanibor Pettan
Kosovski rekviem za romske glasbenike: Spomini na boljso preteklost
(Kosovo Requiem for Rom Musicians: Memories of Better Past) 

Muska also published a translation of Shuhei Hosokawa's article Japanese Popular Music Of The Past Twenty Years: 

1999, iss.10/October, pp.27-30
1999, iss.11/November, pp.22-27
Shuhei Hosokawa
Its Mainstream and Underground: Japonska popularna glasba v 70. in 80. letih 

Pedagoska obzorja (Pedagogical Horizons)
ISSN 0353-1392

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

1998, Vol. 13, No. 3-4, pp. 107-112
Janja Crcinovic-Rozman
Upostevanje popularne glasbe v ucnem procesu
(Considering Popular Music in the Pedagogical Process)

Rast: Revija za literaturo, kulturo in druzbena vprasanja
(Growth: Review for Literature, Culture and Social Issues)

ISSN 0353-6750

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

An article on popular music scene in the town of Novo mesto:

1998, Vol. 9, No. 6 - December , pp. 588-591
Tomaz Koncilija
Novo mesto med rockom in popom
Novo mesto Between Rock and Pop)

Teorija in praksa (Theory and Praxis)
ISSN 0040-3598

Review in RPM#29 (Winter 1999/2000)

A paper on rave subculture:

1998, Vol. 35, No. 5 -September-October, pp. 800-815
Peter Stankovic
Rave subkultura in zagonetna devetdeseta
(Rave Subculture and the Mysterious Nineties)

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by Heinz-Peter Katlewski

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