Inaugural Celebrity Studies Conference‏

Call for papers
December 12-14th 2012
Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

Deadline for abstracts and panels: March 5th 2012 (individual papers: 500words, +50 word bio; and for 3x person panels: panel title, lead/contact person; 3x 500 word abstracts, plus 3x individual 50 word biographies)

Successful abstracts notified by: 6th April

Enquiries/abstracts to:

Conference Website:

Sponsored by the Centre for Memory, Imagination and Invention, Deakin University

Routledge and Deakin University are pleased to announce the inaugural Celebrity Studies Conference. The conference, organised by Sean Redmond and James Bennett, will be the first major international, inter-disciplinary forum for discussion and analysis of the growing field of celebrity studies. Drawing on the strength of the CSJ editorial team, the conference welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines that generate new ways of thinking and understanding celebrity: from film, television, digital media and theatre studies through to sociology, politics and business studies.

The first inaugural Celebrity Studies Conference will be themed on the question of ‘celebrity studies now’. This subject will run through our plenaries and form a strand running throughout the conference. However, we invite abstracts for individual 20 minute papers or pre-constituted panels of 3 x 20minute papers on any topic in celebrity studies.

Confirmed keynote speakers:
· Richard Dyer (Kings College, University of London)
· Christine Holmlund (President SCMS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
· P. David Marshall (Deakin University)
· Susan Murray (New York University)
· Graeme Turner (University of Queensland)

A special issue of the best papers from the conference will be published in Celebrity Studies in 2013.